Can hitters with 680 PA get hurt for rest of game? PROVE IT!

Can hitters with 680 PA get hurt for rest of game? PROVE IT!

Postby The Biomechanical Man » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:18 am

We've been saying for a long time that a batter with an injury on his card but 680 or more PA (like Brian Roberts) can get hurt, but only for the rest of the game. However, in my experience, I don't recall one of these batters being injured even for part of a game. In other words, I am wondering whether 680 PA plays just like having no injury marked on the card.

Can anyone post a link here to a boxscore where a player with 680+ PA was injured for part of a game? The example can be ATG4 or 2008.

The Biomechanical Man
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Postby Palmtana » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:56 am

Starting with the 2005 game you can do the following......

Front Office >>> Expanded League Standings (located at the bottom of Final Division Standings) >>> Your League >>> Injuries

.....and get an [i:4cd86b2d47]Injury Report[/i:4cd86b2d47] for all season for all teams in the league.

I looked up the players who had 680+ PA's for 2005 (20 players), 2006 (18), 2007 (20) and 2008 (20), searched the [i:4cd86b2d47]Injury Report[/i:4cd86b2d47] for 2-3 leagues for each year, and found no 680+ guys in any of the reports.

So for this sample 680+ = 162 games played.
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Postby The Biomechanical Man » Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:04 pm

Palmatana, I was happy to see your analysis, as I thought this proved the point. However, on further review it looks to me that the Injury Report just shows the games that all players cannot [u:a8856a2bf1]start[/u:a8856a2bf1], and doesn't include the games when the injury occured. For example, when an Injury Report says that Player XXX was injured for Games 55 to 55, it means that he was actually injured in Game 54 for one additional game. Had he been injuried in Game 54 just for the remainder of the game, it wouldn't show on the Injury Report.
Last edited by The Biomechanical Man on Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Biomechanical Man
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Postby TefJ » Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:28 pm

I disagree that it has been proved. If you look at the injury report, the smallest you'll see is:

so and so injured games 43 through 43.

If you look at these examples, they are cases when the player above was injured in the previous game for one game. Thus, since a 680 PA player can only get injured for the rest of the game, he will never appear on the injury report.

I don't have an example to prove that they can get injured, however, as the only way I can think of is to go through each game.
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Postby The Biomechanical Man » Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:42 pm

Unless someone can post a link to a boxscore where a 680+ PA player was injured for the final few innings of a game, I'm still going to question this.
The Biomechanical Man
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Postby Palmtana » Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:07 pm

[quote:dcf13cfa48="The Biomechanical Man"]........ when an Injury Report says that Player XXX was injured for Games 55 to 55, it means that he was actually injured in Game 54 for one additional game. Had he been injuried in Game 54 just for the remainder of the game, it wouldn't show on the Injury Report.[/quote:dcf13cfa48]

Ah. Thanks TBM.

[quote:dcf13cfa48="WPWangfuddle"].........I don't have an example to prove that they can get injured, however, as the only way I can think of is to go through each game.[/quote:dcf13cfa48]

Man, I've got a lotta clickin' to do. Good thing I'm ambidexterous.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:12 am

Palmtana said:[quote:6ba54b5e48] Good thing I'm ambidexterous.[/quote:6ba54b5e48]

Isn't that illegal in some states?
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