Strat-O-Matic baseball is a very life like game of MLB what if scenarios. And MLB (and Strat) are microcosm isms of life.
For instance does the most qualified person always get the job, any business? Look at Eric Wedge(Indians manager) or former Jets' coach Rich Kotite? I (and many others) could do a better job than those buffoons with half my brain tied behind my back. But will a fanatic sports, and coaching expert like myself ever get a sniff of a MLB or NFL job??? OF COURSE NOT!
Or does the prettiest woman always marry the richest, best looking, most successful guy? Not always! Luck plays a role in EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE! And Strat-O-Matic is no exception.
But some would argue that all LUCK is; when preparation meets opportunity. And of course the trick is; to do the preparation, so you are ready for the opportunity! And in THIS CASE; the preparation is; knowing the cards, from the top rated(and salaried ) players, down to the best bargain backups! And if you take the time to KNOW THE STRAT CARDS LIKE ME, OR ANY OTHER VET, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE MORE "LUCK" THAN OTHER PLAYERS/GMs.