Ratings book and disk

Postby Rant » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:10 pm

[quote:4be155f22b="joethejet"]I believe that when Bernie releases the final roster spreadsheet, he includes BBs.[/quote:4be155f22b]

He does. I usually combine, so as to have salary and such on one spreadsheet....As for the formulas in the rest of this thread, I have no idea how I've every one a championship against one of you guys. Good lord.
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Postby joethejet » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:13 pm


Some of us need data to figure this out. You must be able to divine what it take me study to figure out.

Either that or you spend a LOT more time looking at the cards/raw data than we do! ;)


p.s. Oh yeah, and, in the end, it's a dice game! :D
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Postby Rant » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:58 pm


Some of us need data to figure this out. You must be able to divine what it take me study to figure out.

Either that or you spend a LOT more time looking at the cards/raw data than we do! ;)


p.s. Oh yeah, and, in the end, it's a dice game! :D[/quote:10878630b0]


I do crunch some numbers, I just get lost once we hit the algorithm portion of the evening.
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ERP not NERP (uh, excuse me!)

Postby gbrookes » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:13 pm

I found a formula for ERP (not the same as NERP) os a link that was posted to one of the strategy postings on offense and defense. I simplified the formulas so that I could get something that I could use for managing strat teams, that was simple enough that I could actually use it day to day. It is BASED on ERP, but not technically or precisely the same as ERP. The article distinguished between NERP (an older theory of run production) and ERP (a more recent theory).

For what it's worth, my simplified version of the formula is:
ERP* (GB scale) = walks *1.2 + singles * 2 + doubles *3.6 +triples *5.4 + homeruns * 7.

This number result doesn't really correlate to any exact run prediction. It is just a scale that I use to compare one player to another - like using the Dow Jones to read the stock market change from day today. The absolute number doesn't really mean anything - only the change or difference means anything.

It doesn't work perfectly, but I find that a difference of 7 is roughly equivalent to a 1R or 1L effect in strat's balance ratings.

To the actual player card I add in the ballpark single and home run effects based on the park that we are playing in. For team management I default to the home ball park. For convenience, I add in the ballpark singles for both player and pitcher on the batter's cards, since most pitchers allow ballpark singles on their cards. If not, I adjust the pitcher's card accordingly. All in, a good player should have a rating of about 100.

As you can see, the relationship between singles, doubles, triples and HR's is not quite linear. To be honest, the ERP formula was kind of bizarre. This is what I got when I simplified it (with some simplifying assumptions). I do find that it works pretty well in game experience, as a predictor of what may happen, and for overall run production. (Base stealing, base running, GBA's, defense and other factors I just use my own judgement (and the fielding X chart summary) to adjust for).

Note - the main substantive difference between this formula and OPS is with respect to walks, and with respect to homeruns. My simplified ERP gives more weighting to walks and homeruns than does the OPS formula.

So, I AM happy with this ratings book, esp. since it is in spreadsheet format! I can enter the other data I need to to get my ERP calcs going, and saved!

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Postby gbrookes » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:16 pm

The numbers used for walks, singles, doubles etc. is the die roll chances (i.e. 2 = 1 chance, 3 = 2 chances, etc.).
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:17 pm

[quote:2a61c72c08]I do crunch some numbers, I just get lost once we hit the algorithm portion of the evening.[/quote:2a61c72c08]

Well, that's just me.

A few years ago, we were moving, and we couldn't get one furniture through the door. One experienced moving guy said the sofa could just not go through.

I took out my tape measurement, sorted out the sine, cosine, tangent, alleluia, and I determined that the couch could go through if the sofa was tilted strictly between, say, 39.5 and 41 degree.

It actually went through, barely, there was not even 1 cm left. :P

For my US friend, sofa=couch :wink:
For my English canadian friends: a chesterfield!!!! :shock:
Last edited by MARCPELLETIER on Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby gbrookes » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:19 pm

This is the article I was referring to, credit to, and created and written by, DeanTSC (thanks Dean!):


My formula is my own simplification of the ERP formula. Use it with caution, if you want. It's just my adaptation of Dean's work. It might be wrong.

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Postby gbrookes » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:21 pm

Very nice work Marcus!!
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:25 pm

[quote:c150873678]ERP* (GB scale) = walks *1.2 + singles * 2 + doubles *3.6 +triples *5.4 + homeruns * 7.

Geoff, like I said, any system that is roughly linear will have a roughly correspondance formula, whatever the weights.

In your case, a very close corresponding formula to your own formula is:

1.2*walks + 0.33*hits + 1.67*TB

which will yield

double= 3.67
triples= 5.34

Of course, you could tweak it a bit around if you wish the numbers to be closer for doubles, for example (unfortunately, it will be at the expense of exactitude for the other variables).
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Postby Ninersphan » Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:03 pm

GAH STOP STOP I'm having flash backs to Trig class!!! And that was NOT my best subject, by a long shot!!

Oh and I still don't have my download :evil:
Last edited by Ninersphan on Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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