Old League Games II

2003 Predictions

Postby Coffeeholic » Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:00 pm

All in the name of fun guys, and if I've picked your team to finish poorly.... I hope I'm wrong!


The East looks to be the tightest race, but I'll have to choose the Cherokees to win the division. Our front funning Jeep's Shea team has some solid SP's, notably Mussina and Mulder, along with great value relievers like Donnelly and Mahay, so pitching looks decent. A pretty solid line-up backs this up with excellent choices such as Varitek, Thome, Mueller, Anderson and Beltran. Perhaps a slight weakness is Jeep's succeptability (sp?) to reverse RH pitching, but my nod goes to him mainly because my other divisional rivals failed to stock ample SP's to use against a Shea team.

Tough call for second place, but I'll go with the Sydsters. No real pitching standouts on Ironwill's Great American team, although no real weaknesses either, and it is certainly well stocked to give my team fits. Looks like he forgot about Jeep's Shea team though? ARod's a stud of course, and Huff should be excellent as well. The complimentary players look out of place though. I love Pods, Young, Casey and Winn, but these are guys usually associated with slap happy parks, not a slugger's den like his. Really think Ironwill needs some more pop... guys with more BP HR's!

The Yankees very well could edge into 2nd, esp. if Mr. Human Growth Hormone has a monster season. But I'm afraid that ArtieRex's Minute Maid squad is going to go by the slogan "Barry Bonds and pray for rain!". Nomar and Lee take up over $14 mil in salary and have traditionally under-performed, and the remainder of his position players are pretty non-discript. Pedro will do well naturally, Wagner provides ample strength to close out victories and Brower will give my team fits. But again, other than May where is that other SP (or 2) to throw against a Shea team?

That leaves the 196's. Do I really think I've assembled a last place squad? Well no, but I feel pretty uncomfortable predicting my Wrigley team ahead of anyone else's. I do know that it's not my most powerful 2003 effort. I missed on 8 of my 10 pitchers (thanks Gross), so alot will depend on how my second tier options perform, esp. those 3 stud relievers. And, I'm happy with most of my line-up, although I'll confess to having 2 position players whom I don't think I've ever used before. These guys look to be good fits for my park, but I'll have to wait and see I guess.


My pick for the best team in the LEAGUE is the Ducks. Gross has assembled an outstanding pitching staff and some great value position players for his Shea team. This team is too good for any specific hints or suggestions, but suffice it to say that I love 8 of his 10 pitchers and that at least 1/2 of his line-up is perfect in this park, while the rest are pretty darn good. Even if I might think there are a few tweaks that could've been made to make this an over-powering team, it's still plenty strong enough to make the playoffs.

A close second though, is Mr. G's Bills. Prior, Loaiza and Livan are excellent choices for this Wrigley team, and of course Gagne is great anywhere. 1 small criticism I have, and which I believe will cost him the division, is that 1 more value SP to throw against Gross's team would've been ideal. Those games where he has to throw Livan or Redding against the Bills will cost dearly. A strong line-up compliments this staff, most notably AJP, Sexson, and Hunter. I think the Bills are counting heavily on Lee to counter act all the righty killers they're sure to face? Not sure if this is enough and that Mr. G might wish he had another lefty/switch hitter or 2 in his line-up. If this team doesn't win the division though, it's my pick for the wild card slot at least.

Next up, the Glory. Bomberny's Veteran's Stadium team featues 3 excellent value SP's in Schmidt, Santana and Oswalt, and Reitsma is a nice match-up SP against all the Rghty favoring parks in our leaue. I think, however, that Bomberny could've fleshed out this rotation with another match-up SP or 2 and that his bullpen lacks the depth needed for those games when the top 3 SP's aren't pitching. Strong defense also marks this team: Ichiro and Castillo are excellent choices in this park. Question marks, though, go next to Renteria and Lowell (will he face that much LH pitching), Blalock and Andruw (better suited to bomber parks), and why Mackowiak and Quinlan?

Sorry Keyzick, but someone's gotta come in last. This Camden Yards squad is certainly one of the highest injury risk team I've seen assembled in some time: Vidro; Ensberg; Jeter; Mora; Giles; Byrd and Walker. The big questions: How many games will be spent on the IR and is Pujols strong enough to carry the team when a batch of regulars are down? I think that with a strong pitching staff, Keyzick'd have a better chance. However, I don't believe his mid-range SP*'s are particularly well suited to his environs and that the bullpen is much too shallow to support this rotation. Bottom line is that the $.50 cent back-ups are going to see way too much playing time (often times out of position) and that the Arrow Smith's are going to pull up the rear. It'd be great if you made me look bad here though Keyzick... I'd love to see a different approach succeed!


The Abyss team looks like the best of this division. Jawa Jedi's Minute Maid team features a number of 2003's best values, including Dubose, Lee, Green, Edmonds and Garcia. Matching up with Delgado, Cabrera, Giles and Berkman, guys who hold their own value wise gives him the nod. The rest of the starting pitching, although not overpowering, should be strong enough with that potent potent line-up. Might have liked to see a bit more in the bullpen, and can't believe he wouldn't trade me Sanchez, esp for Konerko who would've paired beautifully with Garcia and given some strength vs. LHP... where this team is weak. :wink:

Tough to call the second place finisher, but I'll go with the Twoclicks. 1st impression of this team is why Contreras? Argueably the best starter in the set, Papasturgeaon really needs a 4th SP* instead. Unfortunately, missing waivers and the frenzy cost him a chance at both Hudson and Prior, and also unforunately, now he's got a rotation who's start frequency is all out of whack. Lee, Manny, Tejada, Tex and Chavez should do very well for him in Wrigley however. Conversely, Drew, Everett, Grisson and Burnitz will likely under-perform. Me thinks, also, that Papa's gonna wish he had some more depth in that bullpen.

Battling for second, but probably coming up short, will be the Chiefs. Mookie's Qualcomm team has a decent rotation and bullpen, although finding a few extra $'s to upgrade Nathan to Lidge would've been great. Abreu, DaVannon and Lorretta are some of this set's favorites and are in a great park for them. Unfortunately, Mookie's got almost $16 mil tied up in Papi and Rolen, both of whom are out of their peak environs in this pitcher's paradise.

Guess that leaves CrazedII coming in last. Sorry Flpcdog, but this team might struggle. Love Wood in a pitcher's park, but not in Olympic Stadium. Also, don't understand having Chacon (at $4mil) in with 4 other SP*'s. Again, another rotation with screwy start frequencies. Maybe Flpcdog and Papa can swap Wood and Contreras? Chipper and Guillen should do superb for this squad, and Sosa should be OK, but the rest of the line-up looks out of place in a slugger's haven like Montreal. He's also got a batch of $1 - $2 mil players who don't have really strong platoon potential. Think Flpcdog's gonna wish he'd invested his salary more efficiently. Hope he proves me wrong!
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Postby Jeepdriver » Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:05 pm

Thanks Coffee. I can tell a lot of time and effort went into that. Very good reading and hope you're on target. :wink:
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Postby ArtemusRex » Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:38 pm

Good work Coffee as I know how hard it is to rate all twelve teams in a short time. I will point out that my Damn Yankees have most of of the roster of my team that took the title last year in Old Leagues I '03. At one point in the preseason I even had added Pedro and Schilling to the pitching staff but then realized I had over $40mil invested which never would have worked. So when Bonds became available I took the chance and used him to upgrade my DH from Giambi. As far as Nomar goes, you're probably right but that is who the system gave me this year when I went after AROD again.

But essentially I took a team that won the title last year, upgraded some of the players at the bottom of the roster, added Pedro to the starting staff and put the #5 starter as a reliever, and added Bonds for Giambi. I think I'll at least beat the 84 wins I had last year. I'll just have to do it in a better division. Time will tell.

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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:47 pm

We've hit the half-way mark. Is '04 around the corner?
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Postby keyzick » Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:34 am

[quote:6210a6d53e="Jeepdriver"]We've hit the half-way mark. Is '04 around the corner?[/quote:6210a6d53e]

We've played 81 games in '03? Wow, my standings page must be a couple weeks behind.... :lol:
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Postby Jeepdriver » Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:54 pm

I don't know why you're so far behind Keyzick :wink:

I was looking at my "Final Voyage" team...whoops :oops:
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and when do e start 04,,???

Postby bomberny50 » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:06 pm

next weekend?later?
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Re: Ceedings for 2003 league

Postby keyzick » Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:22 am

[quote:eb2b4448e2="Coffeeholic"]After 81 games of the 2002 season this is how we stand:

[b:eb2b4448e2]Jeep[/b:eb2b4448e2] 118 (2001) + 46 = 164
[b:eb2b4448e2]Ironwill[/b:eb2b4448e2] 103 (2001) + 48 = 151
[b:eb2b4448e2]Coffee[/b:eb2b4448e2] 108 (2001) + 42 = 150
[b:eb2b4448e2]ArtieRex[/b:eb2b4448e2] 98 (2001) + 36 = 134

[b:eb2b4448e2]MisterG[/b:eb2b4448e2] 88 (2001) + 42 = 130
[b:eb2b4448e2]Gross54[/b:eb2b4448e2] 87 (2001) + 37 = 124
[b:eb2b4448e2]Keyzick[/b:eb2b4448e2] 80 (2001) + 44 = 124
[b:eb2b4448e2]Bomberny[/b:eb2b4448e2] 71 (2001) + 47 = 118

[b:eb2b4448e2]JawaJedi[/b:eb2b4448e2] 66 (2001) + 44 = 110
[b:eb2b4448e2]Flpcdog[/b:eb2b4448e2] 69 (2001) + 34 = 103
[b:eb2b4448e2]PapaSturgeon[/b:eb2b4448e2] 69 (2001) + 32 = 101
[b:eb2b4448e2]MookieWilson[/b:eb2b4448e2] 65 (2001) + 34 = 99

Guys... please make sure to check my math and let us know of any discrepencies![/quote:eb2b4448e2]

bump for new ceedings
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Ceedings For The 2004 League

Postby Coffeeholic » Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:18 am

After 81 games of our 2003 league here's where we stand:

[b:97f204c7db]Jeep[/b:97f204c7db] 118 (2001) + 119 (2002) + 49 = 296
[b:97f204c7db]Coffee[/b:97f204c7db] 108 (2001) + 93 (2002) + 36 = 247
[b:97f204c7db]Ironwill[/b:97f204c7db] 103 (2001) + 84 (2002) + 39 = 226
[b:97f204c7db]ArtieRex[/b:97f204c7db] 98 (2001) + 79 (2002) + 43 = 220

[b:97f204c7db]Bomberny[/b:97f204c7db] 71 (2001) + 97 (2002) + 48 = 216
[b:97f204c7db]MisterG[/b:97f204c7db] 88 (2001) + 83 (2002) + 44 = 215
[b:97f204c7db]Keyzick[/b:97f204c7db] 80 (2001) + 85 (2002) + 42 = 207
[b:97f204c7db]JawaJedi[/b:97f204c7db] 66 (2001) + 97 (2002) + 39 = 202

[b:97f204c7db]Gross54[/b:97f204c7db] 87 (2001) + 76 (2002) + 39 = 202
[b:97f204c7db]MookieWilson[/b:97f204c7db] 65 (2001) + 81 (2002) + 40 = 186
[b:97f204c7db]Flpcdog[/b:97f204c7db] 69 (2001) + 71 (2002) + 37 = 177
[b:97f204c7db]PapaSturgeon[/b:97f204c7db] 69 (2001) + 57 (2002) + 30 = 156

We had a tie for the #8 spot, so I had to make a "Tie Breaker" rule and gave JawaJedi the nod over Gross based upon the fact that JawaJedi has more playoff appearances (1 to 0).

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Postby Coffeeholic » Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:47 pm

Anyone game to post some prognostictions on the 2004 season?
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