ATG 6 auction league: Chat thread

Are you interested in participating in an ATG6 auction when the set becomes available?

Poll ended at Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:09 pm

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ATG 6 auction league: Chat thread

Postby hackra » Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:09 pm

Hi all!

I would like to hear if there is interest in doing an auction league to begin when ATG6 comes out.

The last 3 auctions I have participated in have been closed bid, although I would be up for an open bid auction if enough people wish to participate.

these were the rules of our last (and ongoing) ATG5 auction -
[quote:2b87fce9e7]League: ATG5, DH, unique ballparks. Bidding follows the usual $80/$200 convention. You have $80 mil. to bid with and the total value of your roster is not to exceed $200 mill in Strat/SOM dollars. Bidding works like this:

A player is nominated (how so is explained further down this post) with a minimum bid posted to this board. The minimum bid must be at least $0.5 mil. or 10% of the player's highest Strat value, whichever is greatest. The remaining 11 managers will PM a higher bid or a pass to the owner. Bids are made in increments of $10K (not $100K as in other auctions). Example, Ruth is nominated at 11.5 million. You can bid 12.5, 12.55, but not 12.555. After all eleven owners have sent their bids (or 24 hours elapses) the nominating owner will post all the bids and announce the winner. The winner then makes the next nomination. If all eleven owners pass, then the owner who made the nomination keeps the player at the amount offered. So don't nominate anyone you aren't willing to have on your team! The nominating manager may not pass. Hitters are followed by hitters, pitchers are followed by pitchers.

If you place an invalid bid, i.e. more than you can afford, the bid is ignored and the nominating owner who received your bid is not obligated to tell you your bid is no good, but it's always nice to do so, anyway. (You may correct such a misbid if you do so prior to the close of the auction)

We start with three hitters and two pitchers. Any pitcher or hitter may be used to start the bidding. The managers who sign up for the league in spot #2 and #3 will get to nominate pitchers, Managers who sign up in position #3, #4, and #5 may select hitters. (I will forego an initial nomination, although I will happily take one if someone else prefers not to open the bidding). You need not select an initial player to bid on until after the league is full.

In the event of a tie... (we had problems with this the first time around):
If there is a tie, this is announced, and the tied owners have 24 hours to make a new bid or pass (new bids must be at least as high as the tie). Again a winner is declared, or there is another tie, and owners rebid. If there is a tie because of two passes, then the player is given to the owner who made the earliest bid amongst the first rebid following the tie at the price of the last tie.
(rebidding will continue until all or all but one tied bidders pass or there is a high bidder)

Once a roster is filled (pitcher or hitter), the nomination will slide to the next owner on the list using the order from the initial sign-up:

Managers are expected to be available to check in and bid at least once every 24 hours.

Please be aware that you have $80 mill to bid with, but you have $200 mill of Strat value to fill your roster. Please be sure you are clear with this rule as some first time players have really screwed themselves up by thinking they had $200 mill to bid with.

Needless to say, integrity is essential to this auction.

Rosters must conform to ATG 5 draft regulations.

For players with multiple cards, the highest valued card will be used against your $200 mill, though once play begins you can use any card you want and may even swap cards midseason.

Once the auction is finished there is no trading or free agent drops/picks. What you draft is what you get, except for making swaps between different cards of the same player.

Stadiums - will not be part of the auction. At the end of the auction we will draft unique parks. The order will be determined by the total SOM/Strat value of your final roster from low to high.


We could also consider rules changes (for example we could allow managers to auction draft up to 28 players if they save enough of their $80 mil. in auction money for that purpose).

Please comment if you are interested in participating and if you would like to see changes to the above rules.

Last edited by hackra on Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby gorshar » Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:26 pm

I'm in. Up for either but prefer closed auction as it's faster. Open auctions reallllllllyyyyyyy drrrrraaaaaaagggggggg when you get down to the final hundred players.

Like the idea proposed earlier of either paying an ante to bid and also the one of using the second highest bid as the amount to pay. Would like to try them both.

Also I reserve the right to keep the Halle's Berry name as well as the right to change it to the Diane's Lane. :shock:
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:37 am


I have a creative idea. What is the great advantage in open rather than sealed bid auctions? You have greater control, and don't end up missing the player you really wanted by .03 in a sealed bid and having that mess your whole draft strategy. You are also less likely to pull a DHowser and end up with two elite CF's. There is also something fun about the mano y mano of bidding against someone.
What is the advantage of sealed bid? Simple it is shorter,

I have an idea that will give much of the control of the open auction while taking no longer than a sealed bid auction.

We begin by having sealed bid auctions on each player, 5 at a time as we have been doing. But for the first 80% of players auctioned, the top bidder does not necessarily win a player. The top 3 bidders go into an open auction (we'll have a separate thread for this) on the player with the opening bid being the bid of the 3rd highest bidder, but in the name of the highest bidder (I'll explain why this is important later). This open auction does not stop the process of putting up new players in sealed bid, the open and sealed bid auctions happen simultaneously. So the auction will still move at the pace of a sealed bid auction.
For the last 20% (60) players, the top bid gets them, just like we have been doing. This is to prevent painfully long auctions of cheap players that extend our time.

To move the open auctions along we will have a minimum raise of .05 below $5mil, and .20 above $5mil

The reason that the opening bid of the 3 person auction is the third highest bid, but in the top bidder's name, is that owner's might be tempted to bid ridiculously high just to get in the open auction, and this opening bid will encourage them not be crazy. Let's say several owners really want to be in the Ruth auction, so they bid really high, figuring they just have to start at the 3rd person's price, so one bids $40, one 35, and one 30. That means the top bidder begins the auction with a $30 mil bid for Ruth, probably nobody raises them, and they are probably screwed.

The one short coming I see in this whole plan, is that making sure people do not bid over their 80 mil limit will be more complex. We would have to be a rule that owners could not be involved in auctions totaling more than their disposable income. And this may be tricky to enforce. I am open to ideas you all have about this.

What do you think??
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Postby gorshar » Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:30 am

I think the idea of an ante/bid fee would go a long ways to speeding up an open auction and put in a new twist. I think if every bid came with a 1% or 5% or whatever fee attached to it, you wouldn't see too many two week marathons of two people upping each other by 100k while everyone else twiddles their thumbs waiting for the next player to hit the block.

I think the idea of top three bidders having an open auction based from the number three bid has merit as well.
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Postby jet40 » Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:02 am

I am in. Have no preferance on bidding system
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Postby carr20 » Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:08 am

I'm in regardless. I don't like the open bidding because it takes sooo long and also think the present format is fine. But if you want to do tweaks to the process I don't care.
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Postby ironwill1 » Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:44 am

I'm in too! Either way on bidding.
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Postby DOHowser1 » Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:55 am

I thought the draft we are doing right now was ATG 6.

Count me in going forward.
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Postby JOSEPHKENDALL » Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:11 am

I'm in. I don't mind trying litangel's idea.
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Postby danielz » Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:29 am

I am in.
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