Summer - Winter Keeper League Chat

Postby tcochran » Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:51 pm

[quote:2b9d2652f5="JMP 1"]If all teams have made their roster moves and we are ready for the draft,
can we post the order and begin?

Since there is no clock in the first round no one would be in danger of losing their first round pick.[/quote:2b9d2652f5]

Good idea, but...

We're still waiting for ironwill1 to get home from his travels and post his drops -- probably be done today
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Postby JMP1 » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:11 pm

Last idea\\question for this season (I think)

I'm in another keeper league that just got rid of the two year rule for prospects. It seems like a good idea.

There were many excellent prospects drafted last year but they may need a more than 2 years in the minors. (Personally I think that would be good for the game at the big league level as fundamentals seem to be elusive for many young players.)

For example, the guy with the #1 pick may take Bryce Harper. The Nats are in no rush to move him up, at least so far.

After finishing the year with the worst record the team drafting 1st should be able to draft the best possible prospect withour worrying if he will lose him due to an extra year in the minors.

Its also less record keeping and a guy with a loaded farm system at some point may have enough "chips" to make a big deal to improve his club

If there is any agreement should we take a vote?
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Postby kaviksdad » Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:06 pm

Part of the strategy is the management of prospects. Bryce Harper is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Having a 2-year window means management of your prospects is critical. You CAN take the all-world high school player, but chances are you have to stash him away on your roster for at least a couple years before he has any impact.

That's the choice you make - do you draft a prospect who'll just occupy space for 5 years? That's a roster spot that's essentially lost during his development. So while everyone else plays with 40 guys, you're stuck with 39. Get 2 or 3 of these guys and you're really hamstringing yourself. You may be good later, but you have to deal with it now. You take away the 2-year hold on prospects and you take that strategy out of the game. Plus nobody would ever drop a prospect - why bother, when there's no penalty to keep him?

Strategy is why we're all here. We could sit at home and play the CD against the computer - but where's the fun in that? After awhile you know exactly what moves it'll make.

I like having to decide whether I'm strong enough to carry Tim Beckham's *** for 5 years or need the spot for a situational starting pitcher I can use. That's part of the attraction.
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Postby JMP1 » Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:09 pm

If I understand correctly, a prospectowned by a team may be added to the team's 40 man roster even if has not been issued a card?
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Postby kaviksdad » Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:10 pm

[quote:af31d18ee4="JMP 1"]If I understand correctly, a prospectowned by a team may be added to the team's 40 man roster even if has not been issued a card?[/quote:af31d18ee4]

That is correct, but he still counts against the 40 man roster - card or not
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Choo? Weeks? Drew?

Postby tcochran » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:40 pm

My starting rotation is weak; need to upgrade.

Willing to trade guys like Choo, Weeks or Stephen Drew for equiv. talent at SP.

Send offers...
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Postby knight1 » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:08 pm

I noticed that ironwill has posted his drops. Are we going to get a list of the available players for the draft? Are we doing the free agent draft first and then the prospect draft next? I just want to get started with setting up my draft list since I will be away from a computer on Tuesday. I want to try to avoid holding everyone else up for the draft.
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Postby JMP1 » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:34 pm

Are we ready to go?
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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:00 pm

[quote:5d2e23b7b9="KNIGHT"]I noticed that ironwill has posted his drops. Are we going to get a list of the available players for the draft? Are we doing the free agent draft first and then the prospect draft next? I just want to get started with setting up my draft list since I will be away from a computer on Tuesday. I want to try to avoid holding everyone else up for the draft.[/quote:5d2e23b7b9]

Once I get all the corrections to the roster update complete I'll send out another. That will include an "unofficial" list of available players - but that list is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate and you will need to do your own research to verify. If you end up drafting a guy who is on the available list but is already on someone's roster you'll have to repick - and the draft will not wait for you to do so.

I'll set up a separate thread for the draft - we will do the free agent draft first, then we'll do the 4 round prospect draft shortly thereafter.
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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:15 pm

There is a discrepancy regarding Shawn Marcum between Damien and Sknsfan.

HKMossy originally drafted Marcum in the original free agent draft, when he had a card. When HK left Damien took over.

Sknsfan drafted Marcum in the 2010 prospect draft, when he was uncarded, and promoted him earlier on the thread.

So we have the same player on 2 teams, with each manager having drafted him in separate drafts with no one catching it. I can't find any deal or drop on HK or Damien's part that would account for Marcum going from one team to the other. So this appears to be strictly a missed catch back at the 2010 prospect draft, when someone should have caught Skns pick. Or at any time thereafter, as Marcum has been listed on both player's rosters in each of the updates since.

I'll leave it to the commish to sort this one out.
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