Summer - Winter Keeper League Chat

Confusion time...

Postby Sknsfan » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:10 pm

Hope no one's head explodes as they read through this.

Am I cheating?

I know I'm only talking about one space, but the only person I've looked at is me, so I don't know if this is an issue or if it's really not a big deal.

OK. Here is my thought, and this is based on my draft for this season.

Entered Draft with 29 players on roster, one pick traded away (my 7th round) and one pick received (JMP's 3rd round). So at the start of the Draft I should have Picks through round 11.

During draft:
Traded my 1st round pick for Jon Jay and TCochran's 3rd round Pick. (so I now have a total of 30 players and 11 picks)

Traded my 3rd and 6th round for DreamingTree's 2012 3rd and 2012 6th, plus a 2011 4th round Prospect pick. (So I now have a total of 30 Players and only 9 picks.)

I'm currently set to pick in round 12 (pick 126) before JMP picks in Round 13 (pick 127).

However since I have traded away more picks than I started the draft day with - wouldn't my need for a fill in fall to a supplemental section?

So here are the questions I am posing for discussion:

How and when do we decide when you fall to a supplemental section of the draft?

What Draft order does the supplemental take? (Same order as draft? By time frame of action that caused you to require a supplemental pick(s)?)

Does anyone besides me care about this?


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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:44 pm

You're not the only one that cares about this stuff - as a multileague commish I've got to worry about it the time.

The issue of supplemental picks is more of a timing issue than a strictly roster size issue. The philosophy behind them is to prevent managers, either directly or indirectly, from benefitting from some type of roster adjustment made at the direction of the commish.

This is how I approach it here (because I've somehow become the de-facto "runner" of the drafts) and in my other leagues:

When all drops are completed prior to the draft rosters become fixed. Once the rosters are fixed each manager is locked into both the number of picks they have and the position of those picks in the draft. This all happens during that weekend before the draft - you get to keep making deals and such during this "dead period," but nothing becomes official until the following Monday when the draft begins. In your specific case Skns you made 12 drops and 2 promotions - fixing your roster at 30. At that time - prior to the draft - you had 10 picks total. That's it - no more, no less.

The same procedure is used for everyone else as well - before the draft begins you drop X players and have X number of picks.

Once the freeze is lifted (usually when I finish the update and email it out) then I start doing all the changes from trades done during the "freeze" and whatever else can make things change. These changes can affect the number and placement of your picks, depending on deals and such. In your case it was discovered that you selected an invalid player in the previous year's prospect draft. So I had to fix that.

After consulting with Tcochran it was decided that blame for this mistake wasn't completely on your shoulders (if it was you wouldn't have received anything I'm guessing), so compensation needed to be made. Since Marcum was no longer one of your keepers you now have 29, not 30 on your roster. So do I just plug you into the next round after your "regularly scheduled last pick" was?

Maybe, or maybe not. The goal is to not let a mistake impact the OTHER managers. And it's here that it seemed clear to me to make your EXTRA draft pick a supplemental pick rather than just another pick in the next round. This way this pick - which didn't exist prior to the discovery of the error - doesn't impact on any other manager's pick schedule.

You end up getting a full roster and an extra prospect pick this year for a mistake that you bear some share of the responsibility for.

This was my "best" solution.
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Postby tcochran » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:42 pm

[quote:bdabdbc760="kaviksdad"]This was my "best" solution.[/quote:bdabdbc760]

Excellent explanation, KD. I agree with how you structured the supplemental pick.
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Postby tcochran » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:27 am

kaviksdad wrote (in the draft thread):

[quote:8472786215]Your last draft pick SHOULD have been in round 9.

The problem is the pick in round 7 that is listed as a "Roster violation." That's why you're short.

I'll need to know what the roster violation is for - do you lose a player entirely and play with 39 this season, or do you just lose that draft position.

If you lose a player for the season there's no change and the 9th round is your last pick.

If you just lost that particular draft slot that's a penalty and your makeup pick becomes a supplemental at the end of the draft - behind Sknsfan since he was ahead of you in the draft order.

Any discussion move it to the main thread [/quote:8472786215]

KD, the extra pick I made in the 7th round was because Ray violated the roster rules last season, using one of my players for several games.

That's not the current issue. The current issue is that I traded away a player and a pick at the start of the draft, in exchange for a 1st rd pick. That leaves me with only 9 picks in the draft.

When I run a draft, I would just add another pick in the next available round. You are running this draft, though, so I will defer to your decision on this one.
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Postby kaviksdad » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:52 am

Ok, I understand. The issue is you traded away a player during the draft, so where does the "makeup pick" fall - next round or supplemental. That's it?

If that's the case, it's a supplemental.

The logic is this - you didn't have a 10th round pick going into the the draft, when all the slots were determined. And because this roster change happened by your actions, rather than the actions of another or the commish, you can't benefit "draft-wise" by sliding into the 10th round now.

Make sense?
Last edited by kaviksdad on Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby tcochran » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:55 am

[quote:3208060be5="kaviksdad"]Ok, I understand. The issue is you traded away a player during the draft, so where does the "makeup pick" fall - next round or supplemental. That's it?

If that's the case, it's a supplemental.[/quote:3208060be5]

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Postby Sknsfan » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:09 pm

Cool. So running on that logic I shouldn't have a 12th round pick. Just the supplemental pick.


And since my trade finalized after T's He should pick first in the supplemental correct?
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Postby kaviksdad » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:48 pm

[quote:eee0b02e1c="sknsfan"]Cool. So running on that logic I shouldn't have a 12th round pick. Just the supplemental pick.


And since my trade finalized after T's He should pick first in the supplemental correct?[/quote:eee0b02e1c]

Correct on both counts - now you got it! :)
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Postby kaviksdad » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:48 pm

I'll be in meetings most the afternoon -
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Trade Announcment

Postby kaviksdad » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:33 pm

Kaviksdad trades Carl Crawford to JMP1 for Kevin Youkilis

JMP1 to confirm
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