Site rebuild teaser part 1 (updated)

Postby bernieh » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:44 pm

Some seriously interesting and fun ideas, guys, especially that stock screener, TRW. I could spend a month making this search box totally badass but alas, I ain't got that kind of time. I'll do what I can, though.

[quote:8d33235910="agabriel"]I am also going to suggest preserving the search criteria as session variables.[/quote:8d33235910]
You say that like I haven't been preserving search criteria on the search pages for the last 10 years.
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:43 pm

I'm going to suggest a search engine for the message boards!

PJ Axelsson
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Postby visick » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:12 am

Novel idea :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:06 am

[quote:ddcc238987="bernieh"][quote:ddcc238987="agabriel"]I am also going to suggest preserving the search criteria as session variables.[/quote:ddcc238987]
You say that like I haven't been preserving search criteria on the search pages for the last 10 years.[/quote:ddcc238987]
Yes, and I specifically said "as session variables" so you can fully leave the page and come back later with the same selection criteria as before.
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Postby bernieh » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:14 am

[quote:0b50231372="agabriel"]Yes, and I specifically said "as session variables" so you can fully leave the page and come back later with the same selection criteria as before.[/quote:0b50231372]
So you did. I see what you mean now, with your clarification.

Interesting idea, but would a lot of people use this?
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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:53 am

[quote:b45480dfc0="bernieh"]Would a lot of people use this?[/quote:b45480dfc0]
I think you just make it the default. Let's say you're figuring out what kinds of pitching specialists you want. And you want them to be less than a million. As you're on the free agent page, you might want to look at the other teams' rosters. Go back to the free agent page and your search criteria are saved to see RP-only <1M.

Add a reset button and I think it's a nice feature.
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Postby bernieh » Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:56 am

Whew! Taking a short break from being [url=]wired in[/url] to show you the improved player search box that I showed you my idea for a few months ago, that I've now got fully working in my evil laboratory. I was able to add in some of your cooler suggestions too! This will all be coming with the site rebuild. By the way, I know you have a lot of questions about the site rebuild which I simply haven't had the answers for... I hope to start clearing up the picture soon. Recently all I've been doing is just feverishly chipping away at the actual game site code.

Here's the default appearance of the improved player search box (for drafting and free agents). Taking a cue from more modern interface design philosophies, I've cut down on all the clutter and combined searches by name, criteria, and team into one sleek search field:


If you know the name of the player you're looking for, just start typing his last name, and a dropdown of auto-complete suggestions will appear (I added the players' prices since my initial teaser):


Or, to set search criteria, click on the arrow to get the standard search box:


... which is pretty basic, and mostly what we have now.

But click on that "Show" link next to "Filters:", and it expands...


... to include [i:c51ed9107b]filters[/i:c51ed9107b] that let you limit your search to only players who meet or exceed certain Fielding, Balance, Injury risk, Strategy Ratings, and Year range requirements.

Furthermore, note:

- I managed to add a [b:c51ed9107b]secondary position[/b:c51ed9107b] to the search options ("+ also eligible at: SS"), so you can find players who qualify at two specific positions. Thanks to [b:c51ed9107b]Roscodog[/b:c51ed9107b] for the initial suggestion.

- For Injury risk, in addition to the possible values of 0-6, there's also [b:c51ed9107b]1*[/b:c51ed9107b] (3 game max injury) and [b:c51ed9107b]1**[/b:c51ed9107b] (remainder of game max injury) entries. Thanks to [b:c51ed9107b]Valen[/b:c51ed9107b] for the initial suggestion.

- You'll be able to enter a specific maximum price (e.g. 4.2M in the screenshot) for your search, instead of the current intervals by million.

- You'll be able to check off L [i:c51ed9107b]and[/i:c51ed9107b] S under Handedness, instead of only one at a time.

- In addition to intuitively searching for players whose Injury risk is less than a certain threshold, you'll also be able to search for players who get hurt [i:c51ed9107b]more[/i:c51ed9107b], who as we know are greater risk/reward opportunities.

- The Year Range filter should be useful to those of you in time-frame based theme leagues.

- You'll be able to choose Ascending as well as Descending sort direction (as opposed to the current Descending-only).

I know a lot of you have been asking for more versatile search options, and finally this will all be possible on our upcoming new technology platform.

More to come! Today!
Last edited by bernieh on Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby geekor » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:09 pm


nice work Bernie!
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:10 pm

Mr Baseball World
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Postby Valen » Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:25 pm

[quote:4e29450185]In addition to intuitively searching for players whose Injury risk is less than a certain threshold, you'll also be able to search for players who get hurt more, who as we know are greater risk/reward opportunities.[/quote:4e29450185]
Also useful when looking for backup catchers where high injury risk is often desirable. :wink:
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