Is anyone else interested in a 12th league for the 2nd event

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby Ducapa » Wed May 24, 2006 2:32 pm

We could...why not? Do we really need to worry about unique stadiums? Lets set it up so we fill. I guess as long as the owners in the tourney don't use the stadiums they already have used, doesn't it really matter what stadiums the fillers use?
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Postby cummings2 » Wed May 24, 2006 5:32 pm

Problem is that the unique stadiums part is not refering to tour managers repeating parks they've played but rather to the fact that there can't be 2 repeated parks in the league, that is for example that once someone chooses to play Petco, no one else can choose that park. That's why we need an order to choose parks which is done by Teepack. Once we have 12 managers, he runs a "random mock-lottery" and that determines both park draft order and division allignment. My advise is to wait for the 12th to arrive and follow the rules.
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Postby Moon3232 » Thu May 25, 2006 7:33 pm

I know we use the unique stadiums, but maybe we could pick our stadiums and then open it to two outside players? I think that we are going to lose interest real soon, and I would really like to play this league.
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Postby Moon3232 » Thu May 25, 2006 7:34 pm

Tee, can you give us some help?!?!?!? Like real soon!!!!!
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Postby Ducapa » Thu May 25, 2006 7:57 pm

I agree....I just want to play in a $100m league and this is the only one available. Lets get our stadiums picked and just leave two empty slots for anyone.
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Postby teepack » Thu May 25, 2006 8:14 pm

Yes, by all means, do that. Open it up to the general public. That will be fine.
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Postby Ducapa » Thu May 25, 2006 8:16 pm

Okay so the 10 of us should pick our stadiums though, right? Lets get started.

1. Moon3232 (Petco)
2. jtyler7 (Angels, Safeco)
3. Smitty (Safeco)
4. Jake the Snake
5. Mr. Baseball World
6. hdscolumbia
7. IM Bacchus League 1 Rogers Centre/No League 3 Yet
8. Ducapa (Filler N/A)
9. Cummings2 (Filler N/A)
10. Rudys Raiders(Ameriquest)
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Stadium draft order

Postby teepack » Thu May 25, 2006 8:17 pm

1. jtyler7 (Angels, Safeco) - 132
2. Smitty (Safeco) - 194
3. Cummings2 (Filler N/A) - 351
4. Jake the Snake - 356
5. Rudys Raiders(Ameriquest) - 446
6. Ducapa (Filler N/A) - 570
7. Mr. Baseball World - 775
8. hdscolumbia - 748
9. IM Bacchus League 1 Rogers Centre - 627
10. Moon3232 (Petco) - 879
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Postby teepack » Thu May 25, 2006 8:19 pm

Ya'll go ahead and get your teams ready as quickly as you can. As soon as you make your stadium pick, fill out your draft card and enter the league. jtyler needs to go ahead and create the league as soon as he gets his stadium filled, and then post the password here. Let's try to get this filled tomorrow so ya'll can start play next week. If ya'll need somebody else tomorrow, I'll put together a team, and I'll see if I can get Bernie to slap one together, too.
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Postby IM Bacchus » Thu May 25, 2006 10:52 pm

Where are we posting the stadium picks?
I am using the Rogers Centre in league 1, so that is NOT my pick, just to be clear.
IM Bacchus
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