Las Vegas 2006

Postby frannyzoo » Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:43 pm

I guess it's not too early to start talking getting together logisitics...

For those few interested, and for those many uninterested others as a means to get things kick started in this regard, I present my tentative itinerary for the shindig (note: I'm not one of those people who actually pays attention to the official schedule, official soirees I'm probably off on about half of the following).

[b:c4cfb2aabe]Wednesday, June 21st:[/b:c4cfb2aabe]

8:00 Drive to LV from Albuquerque
3:00 Arrive at South Coast
3:01 Have first beer in South Coast bar (TBD)
3:01 - ? Have many more beers, decide I can win money playing poker by drinking even more beers, quickly run out of money, soothe damaged psyche by drinking more beers
Midnight-ish: Wake up in gutter outside South Coast with "Margarita Yard Glass" snuggled up to my person.

[b:c4cfb2aabe]Thursday, June 22nd:[/b:c4cfb2aabe]

I haven't even thought about it, to be honest. I did see that the weekend is hopping musically, with not only a Barry Manilow concert, but also an appearance by perhaps the most terrible of all terrible late 70s bands...Styx. On top of that there's a "Neil Diamond Tribute Band" appearing somewhere. No..the Pixies are not scheduled to appear in LV during our weekend. Nor is Yo La Tengo, New Pornographers or any other band I really want to see...

[b:c4cfb2aabe]Friday, June 23rd: [/b:c4cfb2aabe]

9:00ish: Adrian begins kicking my/our butt/s with a thrashing of my Long Black Veils.
9:02ish: Scot looks for the tub o' bottled beer
9:03ish - 5:00: Vaguely memorable things happen, punctuated by Adrian celebrating yet another victory
5:00 - ? blah, blah, blah, blah...bowling.

[b:c4cfb2aabe]Saturday, June 24th:[/b:c4cfb2aabe]

9:00ish: Adrian arrives dressed in a costume strikingly similar to that worn by the "King" in the Burger King commercials.
9:02ish: Scot looks for the tub o' bottled beer
Noonish: Adrian is officially declared champion. Scot declares that Jose Oquendo must be hunted down and killed, immediately. As this is Vegas, this is easily accomplished.
12:15 - ? nap, poker, poker, nap, Bobby shindig, poker, talk of bowling again, collapse

[b:c4cfb2aabe]Sunday, June 25th:
8:00 First limo ride in my life to Bobby's
8:05 first use of "Mr. Microphone" I specifically bring to trip in order to roll down limo windows and say to girls walking down Strip "Hey Baby, I'm coming back for you, later!"
Noon: Bobby's brunch ends with a special flyover by the Blue Angels and the volcanic eruption of Mr. Charleston. Styx encores during the eruption with a reprise of "Mr. Roboto".
12:15: Strat group decides to offer band members of Styx as human sacrifice to Mt. Charleston volcano gods.
1:00 - 11:00 AM Monday: Scot collapses in room and "naps" for 22 hours

[b:c4cfb2aabe]Monday, September 26:[/b:c4cfb2aabe]

11:00: Scot heads back home

Again, all of the above is tentative...well everything but the looking for the tub o' bottled beer.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:51 pm

Um, yeah...except the part about me winning. :roll:

But I'll do my best to kick yer arse in divisional play. :D
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Postby Munich_Man » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:06 pm

leave messages in my room for anyone meeting on Thursday evening.
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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:13 pm

Just ask for Munich Man. Gotcha ;)
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Postby Rob55 » Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:08 pm

no no no MUST ask for him by NAME....try Rick Biermiester
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