Postby sschu » Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:48 pm

I ike it, put togetather a bomber team the other day with a bunch of guys I never used like Teddy and Schmidt, but couldn't get myself to draft the team! :lol:

Just a couple of observations:

Coop must be the most dropped player ever when on a Griff/Forbes team, do something else at 1B.

Boggs is too slow for a small-ball team.

I think there are better values than Larsen, Ryan and Dravo in pitcher parks. Dobson, Millken and Ceccarelli would be better choices. If not Cec, then maybe Simmons or if your have the $$ Gullett. Gullet has Red Ames numbers, but a few more HRs and the reverse LH could be very effective. I'll send you some numbers.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:12 pm

Disagree about Cooper, he is quite effective vs. RH in a pitchers' park, the mistake people make is that they forget that although Coop can go without a platoon in a hitters' park, he can't in Grif. If you have BURNS I would always suggest keeping him unless you decide on a better value guy like Chance or Judge.
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Postby egvrich » Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:20 pm

Good to see this team is sparking a little debate ......

I was looking at Gullett but would have to make changes to afford him.

I was also looking at Bill White, who I have NEVER seen used. Originally, I toyed with going with like 6 righty batters who are all lefty killers and then a couple of righty killers like White at 1b and Earle Combs in CF. But, that damned +3 arm in CF scares me .......
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Postby sschu » Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:27 pm

Sitting Coop with his 1 range, E5, $6.5M price tag for Burns, 1B 4, E30 running 11 does not seem to be a good approach, especially in a pitchers park. I have used Burns a lot in Dunn with a Judge/Ludes at 1B, but he has yet to tear it up for me. But I'm sure it has worked for others, give it a go!

FWIIW, sschu
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Postby Play By The Rules » Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:19 pm

White is not bad, but nearly as good as Coop though, if you can afford him. The reason is, although Coop's OBP isn't great, he has a ton of natural HRs and hits on the right side of his card.

But to use either of them, you have to have the right platoon. Burns is significantly better than the next best guy, who costs a lot more.

Even as a 4, Burns is significantly better than Coop vs. LH from a neutral park on down.
Play By The Rules
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Postby Treyomo » Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:34 am

Wanna try someone really different? Adcock has a monster card for $3M at 1b if you can stomach the injuries and bad D. Dick Sisler will post some good numbers sub 2M. Pat Dobson, Hiller, Thurmond, and Ceccarelli are all decent non* SP in pure pitchers' parks.
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Postby tkl33 » Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:58 am

Back in the day of ATG I, I used G. Davis at 1b in Griff on a couple teams. Both times 40+ HR 100+ RBI.
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Postby zrot » Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:49 am

If memory serves correct the exact lead in for the show was.....

and now for something completely different.
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Postby Munich_Man » Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:32 am

Actually, if we're going ot get technical, the lead in for most of the shows(not all, there were a few exceptions) was "Its..." said by the "Its" man, Michael Palin, as he stumbled out of the sea, of a forest, down from a mountain, etc. "And now for something completely different" was JohN Cleese's anchorman line he spoke from a newsdesk in the most unlikely places as they transitioned to another sketch.

Man, how much of a geek am I? :roll:

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Postby zrot » Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:17 pm

You are correct, Beermeister!

The fact that I remember this and care to comment on it perhaps makes me an all-star geek??
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