An Invitation to Grindi and Play By The Rules

An Invitation to Grindi and Play By The Rules

Postby Horntsnest1 » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:11 am

This is silly guys and way out of hand..why not settle this where it really counts, on the field, after all the original argument was about managing and player've both had 2 invitations to be in a league together and neither responded and now each of you is in seperate leagues....if you guys are willing I'll start a new league , schedualed for a Thursday night frenzy but I need both your words that you'll guys just let me know if you prefer 80M or 100M'll be NO DH and a frenzy, you can both be in different divisionsor better yet in the SAME division and may the best man win....what do you guys say ????
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:01 am

Last edited by GREGKOESTER on Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:17 am

[quote:5b46b81ba3]Trust you? No thanks you are not worthy of trust. I only trust Sam Colt. You're the most despicable human being I've ever run across. And don't you worry, when I get this address verified I'll be there. You sound like some of these Northern Blacks up here. Usually in the South they aren't so mouthy. Oh and you said something about not bringing a knife to a gun fight in one of your posts. Don't worry I don't. Don't write back I won't read it. If I want to listen to an as shole, I'll fart.[/quote:5b46b81ba3]

This is the response he sent me when I sent him my address. You be the judge...

Just who's threatening whom here? :roll:
Play By The Rules
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Postby Play By The Rules » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:50 am

And in response to the original post in this thread, Hornets, thanks for the invite but I'm all maxed out on leagues. Since I started playing 69 (and SUCKING at it) I have had to limit the number of my ATG and 2005 squads. I just signed up for the Bobby league and this will put me at five which is my max.
Play By The Rules
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:59 am

You pulled your usual of deleting your pt but I'm not as dumb as you look. I saved it. 2 can play this game. Notice this is an original not a re:. He came to me not the other way around. As it has been all along.

Saved :: Message
From: Play By The Rules
To: Grindi
Posted: 11 Oct 2005 23:27
Subject: Here you go Mr. Tough Guy
4720 NW 114th Ave.
Miami, FL 33178

Come get me, you wanna talk a tough game, let's see you do something.

Be smart and shut the (expletive) up and play the games. You don't want to mess with me.

Trust me.
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Postby Maxie Minoso » Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:42 am

Talk smack all you want to guys. Preferably in more private forum as it has become boring and childish.

Additionally, to publish here your private e-mails, PMs, or whatever is beyond poor judgement.

First one not to respond to the other is the winner.
Maxie Minoso
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Postby tkl33 » Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:05 am


I couldn't agree more! This is getting so old. Beyond Childish...I have no doubt that both these guys have lost much respect around here.

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Postby GREGKOESTER » Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:35 am

Yep. Guilty as charged. I shouldn't have perpetuated it by fighting back. Strange the only one who actually saw who started it and intervened on my behalf was penn. And he got blasted. The difference was penn was smart enough to let it go. I wasn't. Thanks penn. There was not 1 single original post of mine that warranted the bs he delivered. What good would respect do me anyways when people can't see the truth.
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