[size=18:5316397ffb][b:5316397ffb]Game of the Week #16[/b:5316397ffb][/size:5316397ffb]
[i:5316397ffb]07/24/2006 - 07/30/2006[/i:5316397ffb]
[url=http://fantasygames.sportingnews.com/baseball/stratomatic/2006/league/boxscore.html?group_id=1803&g_id=916] [b:5316397ffb]GotW #16: Baserunning gaffe kills 9th inning rally[/b:5316397ffb][/url]
This kind of stunt gets you benched for a week. The "Ca Lander/Toro" was down 4-0 going into the bottom of the 9th and facing Ryan Vogelsong, who'd already pitched 3 innings and was going to go one last inning to supposedly seal the easy win. A double and an HBP chased him, summoning closer Aaron Heilman, but he promptly hit the next batter and gave up a run-scoring single to make it 4-1. With the bases juiced and the tying run now on 1st, pinch-hitter Dioner Navarro hit a routine fly ball to left, with Chris Singleton tagging and scoring from 3rd to make it 4-2... or not? The 2-Bit Hustlers tossed the ball over to 3rd to appeal that Singleton left early... and the home plate ump rang him up to end the game! With #3 hitter Jose Guillen on deck with his jaw open, the 26,027 Toro fans in attendance started throwing trash onto the field and calling for Singleton's head. And just for good measure they called for Dusty Baker to be fired too.
[b:5316397ffb]Nominate your SOM 2006 boxscore for Game of the Week #17![/b:5316397ffb]
Post the URL of the game here; if there's some context that goes with the game, be sure to write that up too. We're considering games for the whole week, Monday through Sunday. And, at the end of the year, we'll pick one game from the list of GotW's whose winning team [b:5316397ffb]will win a free 1-year subscription to The Sporting News weekly magazine![/b:5316397ffb]
Game of the Week archive
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=76491]GotW #1[/url] - Johan Santana's Opening Day No-No
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=79281]GotW #2[/url] - Doug Davis - perfect for a day
- [url=http://fantasygames.sportingnews.com/baseball/stratomatic/2006/league/boxscore.html?group_id=401&g_id=142]GotW #3[/url] - East Granby Home Wreckers get no-hit, throw a 2-hit shutout
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=83995]GotW #4[/url] - 18 innings? No, 20.
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=86069]GotW #5[/url] - Chipmunks shut-out Hoosier Daddy for the series
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=88528]GotW #6[/url] - 11-10 Thrill Ride in 10
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=90633]GotW #7[/url] - Willie Harris steals the win in the 12th
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=92696]GotW #8[/url] - Dweebs turn Triple Play, come back vs. Wagner
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=94717]GotW #9[/url] - Pujols crushes 3 HRs; 2 in the 10th
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=96381]GotW #10[/url] - Gibbons Gone Wild - walkoff HRs in back-to-back extra-inning games
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=98150]GotW #11[/url] - A-Rod goes yard 5 times
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=100021]GotW #12[/url] - Tony Clark hits SIX (6) (VI) homeruns
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=101976]GotW #13[/url] - Peavy throws no-hitter; carries Chumps to the Title
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=103953]GotW #14[/url] - Squeeze-Off: Walkoff squeeze caps 4-run 9th inning 11-10 comeback
- [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=111388]GotW #15[/url] - EIGHT-RUN 9th inning comeback to win 12-11