by B.o.b.b.y... » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:06 pm
As I look over the ATG II standings, I try to find something to hold on to as TSN still has me rated #2. I totally understand that the system is flawed when someone like myself has played in 215 leagues, winning at a dismal .494 rate and only having 9 titles. I look around and see the Giants of the Game like Nevdully (80 playoffs-25titles), Petrosian (57 playoffs-15 titles), Play By The Rules (39 playoffs-14 titles), Frank Bailey (45 playoffs-14 titles), gkhd11A/Charlie (33 playoffs-12 titles), errormagnet/SteveAmes (45 playoffs-11 titles), Grindi (46 playoffs-11 titles), Evil Cartman (46 playoffs-10 titles), Munich_Man (35 playoffs-10 titles), PJMB (40 playoffs-10 titles), penngray (47 playoffs-10 titles), tkl33 (36 playoffs-10 titles) and wonder to myself why I'm here. I have a decent chance of making the playoffs as I sit with 57 appearances but the ratio of titles is much lower than the group above as I only have 9 rings. I try to always look at the positive so I recently tabulated my home/away record. Surprisingly I found something to feel good about. After 181 completed leagues I have a home record of 7821-6840....533% and a road record of 6674-7987...455%. It's nice to know that I have had success in building a team around my home park. The competiton is very good and I enjoy every league no matter what the outcome. So the moral of this post is for everyone to take a good hard look at your results and try to find something good about your teams.... BTW, other 9 title holders include Rob55, Ed bazo, Odessey Tigger, deepdrive, Minnie Minoso and Horntsnest....everyone is really solid....... There are so many impressive managers with less than 9 rings that would make this post never ending....... This has been fun and I hope it continues...Bobby
Last edited by
B.o.b.b.y... on Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.