by MoCrash » Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:02 pm
I'm just as bad as you all are. Have dropped a couple of hundred on this in just the last three months, and I'm not rolling in dough. However, I've been able to slacked the pace lately thanks to NetPlay. I prefer playing Strat head-to-head anyway and so, when I'm hankering for a game -- which seems like nearly always when I'm not working -- I troll around for someone to play me. I've just joined a league, which will fill a couple of nights a week, but I wouldn't mind getting another one up (if someone other than me knows what they're doing and will run it). My current league, which should begin drafting soon, is a combination of HOF, 1934 and Negro League players. I'd like to start up a 2005 league ... not necessarily a permanent one, but just a group of people that like NetPlay. If you haven't tried it, skip a couple of TSN/Strat teams, get v.10.00 and the free 10.01 upgrade from SOM and a 2005 roster set. Although NetPlay is a little slow, it is still a blast.