DH against RHP...

Postby LARRYLANG » Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:46 am

OH Sorry---I thought it was 05' set with 04' players....Disregard.
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Postby LARRYLANG » Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:03 am

OK---Now I am on the right year----I have only played 1 team at Kauffman this year and here it is.....Check out Cantu's stats...He would make a nice RH DH for you and may be available............As for your team......If it were mine I would Drop Escobar-Fossum and Springer and go with your * in a 4 man rotation.....Pick up a 50 cennt starter who won't pitch and a couple of cheapo relievers under 1 mil....Scott Munter has done excellent for me on every single team I have had him as well as Lance Carter and they are under 1 mil.........I myself would also drop Cattalanto.........By dropping those pitchers and Cat would give you some serious money to upgrade in the OF......2-4's on the corner will get you killed and an injury prone CF........Outfield needs some serious work IMO...Here is the link to my Kauffman.

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Postby visick » Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:35 am


I always try to have a lefty or switch hitter as my DH when facing RH's and a righty or switchy when facing left handers. I don't want a RHSP to face a righty and visa versa.
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Postby Palmtana » Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:51 am

(I just recently started "reading" the cards so check my math.)

Catalanotto has 8.9 XBH's (doubles and triples) vs. RHP and 14.2 vs. LHP.
Garabito - 3.1 vs. RHP and 9 vs. LHP

Some advice I read on the boards said that in a pitchers park most of your slugging should come from XBH's. If a Catalanotto or a Garabito, for example, were to be platooned, wouldn't one be losing a lot of the value of their cards.
Last edited by Palmtana on Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby tersignf » Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:57 am

don't know what's on your FA wire, but I agree too many platoons. A quick gauge of that in terms of how you've spent your $ if you don't have the CD or time to sim out some samples...oops I looked at the wrong team....

OF defense may take you out of a couple games...some dead mony in the starting pitching--why not consolidate to 4 solid SPs and put the rest toward offense?

You'll seem to have a lot of $ sitting on your bench at any given time. Why have a backup catcher who has similar LH slant and is almost as much as the starter? May as well just get someone like Navarro and actually use Kendall vs lefties (since you're willing to live with Kendall's +2 anyway, which in Kauffman and your pitchers, I think I'd rather have a guy with a -1 or -2.)

what do you envision for your lineups?
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Postby geekor » Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:31 pm

Redmond is the best pitchers park C IMHO opinion, you need to get him there.

Here are some links to teams in pitchers parks, I usually try to go high pitching, and get a bunch of the cheap W powered high BA guys. In Kaufmann, I usually accentuate speed more.


Kaufmann speed team (my only 100 win team in 06):


Peco (78 games):

Kaufmann (78 games) This team is a perfect example of what I like to do if I can get the players:

Kaufman (57 games) using Soriano as Dh vs R, tried to get speed throughout the lineup:
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Postby Play By The Rules » Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:38 pm

I like Garabito
Play By The Rules
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Postby bomp helium » Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:02 pm

hello palmtana:

I realize the importance of EBH (slugging%) but I still feel OBP is the single most important stat...

look at it this way:

Batter A hits four singles in a game...Batter B is 1-4 with a home run...

Both players have four total bases in four plate appearances...so the slugging% is equal...and the EBH factor leans towards the guy with the home run...

but what this formula does not account for are the OUTS...Batter A recorded NO outs while batter B recorded THREE outs...

and outs are paramount...you only get 27 per game...I believe in preserving outs as a priority...so I always sort by OBP and then look for a high SLG among those hitters...

whenever I move towards SLG and away from OBP, my teams seem to suffer...even at Coors, where most of my 2005 teams played...strangely, it has also been the pattern that when I move away from OBP in favor of DEFENSE, the teams suffer...(of course, that could very well be a "Coors quirk")...

of course, my data is taken from a low sampling (maybe 40 teams) but the patterns seem consistent...interesting, because my experience flies in the face of the "secret formula"...

The math is there to back this up, and I've demonstrated it on other threads, but I'm largely (completely!) ignored...it's hard to swim upstream against tradition...I respect the "secret formula", but I would and have suggested that there are in fact other ways to build a successful team...

thanks for all you guys' advice on this thread...I won't rebuild this team (post-waiver rebuilds can be disasterous and depressing), but I'll take your feedback into consideration when building my next team...

I think I might stay with Catalanotto as my DH vs. RHP...he's cheap and his clutch rating is very impressive...I've found that the combo of high OBP at the top of the order and high clutch in the middle seems to produce a lot of runs...

as for pitching, I'm going with a four-man rotation...I'm going to try Escobar as my setup man vs. RHP...I agree that I need a better third starter (Martinez and Blanton are solid, and Moyer is an appealing value, but I could do better than Freddie Garcia)...but there's so little to choose from on the waiver wire (unless somebody dumps)...

good luck to all of you...thanks again for the feedback...

bomp helium
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Postby Palmtana » Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:58 am

I agree about OBP, Helium. My teams in pitchers parks have always emphasized this and were successful. (Although I must say I always had 1's and 2's up the middle. Not quite ready to try the Lenticular Cloud People/The Disrespected approach. Maybe that will be next.) However I was looking for something else to try and came across [url=http://forums-beta.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?p=1036101&highlight=high+percentage+slg#1036101]markp65's post on how he played Petco [/url]and thought I would give it a try.

[url=http://fantasygames.sportingnews.com/baseball/stratomatic/2006/team/team_other.html?user_id=9725]This is the team.[/url]

From markp65's criteria:

1. High percentage of SLG from 2B and 3B rather than HR
2. High OBP, but from BA rather than walks
3. * steal rating - to avoid GDP, NOT to steal
4. Highest clutch rating
5. Lowest incidence of GBA

1. The emphasis of this team.
2. Only 3 players with an OBP over .350. I went with the doubles. Could be the teams downfall.
3. 7 of 9 players have the *
4. 7 of 9 players have + clutch
5. Average of 9 GBA's

I'm off to a so-so start. Pedro finally won his first game tonight. Are you going to platoon Catalanotto. I looked up his [url=http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/players/5907/splits;_ylt=ArGIv5UIuN3ia8RVMb5V4RKFCLcF?year=2005&type=Batting]2005 splits [/url]and he batted .290 vs. LHP and .302 vs. RHP which I assume is where the 2R comes from. However his OBP was almost identical (.371 vs. LHP and .367 vs. RHP). I think that makes a good case for not platooning him. Take advantage of thos 2B's vs. LHP.

OK, now I'm confused. After looking at Catalanotto's splits, I went back and looked at the ratings disk and he has 27.1 OB chances against LHP and 40.4 vs. RHP. Why the discrepancy between real life and the card? Is it because he had only 31 AB's vs LHP and 388 vs. RHP? Is his card weighted to the right side because of the low AB's vs LHP?
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Postby Play By The Rules » Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:50 am

The card is rated higher to the right side because he hit higher vs. RHP.
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