Just checked and saw we're full and draft tonite and then read these posts and realized that Friday isn't a good day for a couple players either.
I would have been happy to have waited until Sat. to draft so we could all have a good waiver day on Monday. And i likely wouldn't have complained so much had my last 3 drafts/Waivers /Frenzy gone well - but they didn't. In one, my draft was soo bad, I only got 7 players I picked(My worst ever.) But tomiss both Sat and sunday due tro long hrs and live in the west time zone I usually don't get to see my team until a few hrs before the season starts. So I make rash, quick decisions about what is available and overall haven't fared very well.
I made requests in those leagues as well after waiting on others, but didn't want to hold up everyone any longer. So now that all finally got my bratty way for a change - I'M READY TO CHAAAAAA CHAAAAAA!!!!
Maybe all the way down to the G-String! But believe me - not a pretty sight. :twisted: