Your division seems to have very few LHSP. Therefore, you need to load up on lefty power hitters and/or reverse righty (e.g. Garrett Atkins) types. Like my buddy rmilter noted, your team actually seems more like a pitcher's park team than a hitter's park, and Chase is a definitely hitter friendly. You are also in a division with 3 other hitter friendly parks (Dodger and CBP)!
Gallardo and Wang are good choices, but the other 3 SPs have to go. You have to get guys as few HRs as possible, either pure or #. I'd go a little cheap on the starting rotation, and have a few solid workhorses in the bullpen. K-Rod's alright, but Zumaya has to go. I didn't see Bell or Betancourt on anyone's squad, so definitely get one of them. I'd probably spend no more than $28M or so on pitching, and try to mash your way out. Look at Coventry's team. He has the right idea, but has taken it a bit extreme (<$17M on pitching :shock:) Make sure that you have guys with good range (1 or 2) at all positions, especially SS, 2B, 3B, and CF.