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Postby AeroDave10 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:49 am

Your division seems to have very few LHSP. Therefore, you need to load up on lefty power hitters and/or reverse righty (e.g. Garrett Atkins) types. Like my buddy rmilter noted, your team actually seems more like a pitcher's park team than a hitter's park, and Chase is a definitely hitter friendly. You are also in a division with 3 other hitter friendly parks (Dodger and CBP)!

Gallardo and Wang are good choices, but the other 3 SPs have to go. You have to get guys as few HRs as possible, either pure or #. I'd go a little cheap on the starting rotation, and have a few solid workhorses in the bullpen. K-Rod's alright, but Zumaya has to go. I didn't see Bell or Betancourt on anyone's squad, so definitely get one of them. I'd probably spend no more than $28M or so on pitching, and try to mash your way out. Look at Coventry's team. He has the right idea, but has taken it a bit extreme (<$17M on pitching :shock:) Make sure that you have guys with good range (1 or 2) at all positions, especially SS, 2B, 3B, and CF.
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Postby Manofsteel » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:38 am

i dropped pettite for lowry, unfortunately there isnt much of value left on the sp front. I know i am very concerned about the slant toward lh hitters, I just dont see any acceptable other options in regards to 2nd or rf that would better this squad. w/the salary I have now, i could pick up mclouth for cf, but not sure if that would be the offensive upgrade that is needed? :?: also possible to drop ellis and pick up iguchi who is a 3,but may slant me away from being rh susceptible, iguchi is an E instead of ellis 5l. or for more pop add uggla but be chancing that 4 @ 2nd
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Postby AeroDave10 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:26 am

[quote:9636c8ed5d="old__toriihunter"][quote:9636c8ed5d="AeroDave10"] Make sure that you have guys with good range (1 or 2) at all positions, especially SS, 2B, 3B, and CF.[/quote:9636c8ed5d]

All excellent points from Dave, except you can get away with a 3 at CF or 2B if it means your hitting is that much more improved. Lots of options at CF if you're willing to go with a 3 (Upton for example...or is Redman available?).[/quote:9636c8ed5d]

OTH is right. As J-Pav states in his "Secret Formula", the defensive and offensive components have to balance one another out to justify the cost. I just think there are few poor defensive players who do that in the 2007 set. Upton is tricky, especially because he gets hurt. Redman is good one to get, especially because of the righty dominance in your division. I'm a big Ryan Ludwick fan (in SOM only :lol:), too.

I can't tell you anymore without seeing the FA list. I think A-Ray posted on here one time a way to do just that (see other league's FA lists), but I don't remember how.
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Postby Manofsteel » Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:57 pm

iguchi & hamilton are available, but realistically how many games can you expect out of hamilton with that injury? he would need a backup for all those injuries
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Postby Manofsteel » Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:42 pm

dropped ellis and picked up iguchi. I dropped zumaya and picked up bell for setup. had the option of either bell or betancourt i wanted an r2 obviously and felt for a mil less bell had a similar card to betancourt
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Postby Delbird » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:20 pm

I agree with old_ToriHunter also regarding Johnson and Rios. I don't think they'll perform well, depending on what is available as a replacement. I've had success with Aaron Cook and Taylor Buchholtz, cheap and low on BPHR chances. Kason Gabbard would be an option also, if available (wish I knew how to see who is available). I haven't seen Rios do well, too heavily balanced L. I'd also look for a better C option than Mccann, he always seems to hit around 230-250, with an OBP less than 300. I've tried him twice and dropped him both times. Is Bard available, Ruiz, Bengie Molina?
Last edited by Delbird on Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby AeroDave10 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:21 pm

[quote:396dbbea54="B-RocK"]iguchi & hamilton are available, but realistically how many games can you expect out of hamilton with that injury? he would need a backup for all those injuries[/quote:396dbbea54]

I'm not a Hamilton fan. You're right. He gets hurt too much, costs too much, and is too one-sided to be counted on.

Hawpe and Griffey are good choices.
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Postby Manofsteel » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:52 pm

unfortunately hawpe and griffey are both taken, I dropped mcann and ausmus for an offensive pop upgrade of montero vs rh & paulino vs lh.. good move? I also picked up morales who has zero bp hrs and a pretty damn good card to destroy lh's
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