Old Time French Five Keepers League

Postby tcochran » Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:33 am

[quote:36b84b18ab="CharlieP"]C'est une nouvelle règle? Une chance que je lis tes message Commissaire

"[i:36b84b18ab][u:36b84b18ab][i][u]Il faut placer nos 5 protections à la fin de nos 25 sélections et non plus au début. Avec les problèmes qu'on a eu l'an dernier et ce que Strato m'ont donné comme réponse, ça devrait être plus sécuritaire et personne ne peut être désavantagé[/u:36b84b18ab][/i:36b84b18ab][/u][/i]"[/quote:36b84b18ab]

Our 5 keepers go to the end of our draft list, right?
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Postby jflatour99 » Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:54 am


In the past years, everyone was ask to place them at the top of the list but last year, for the first time, there has been a major bug:

A manager forgot to place em a the top. Instead, he placed them at the end and the other managers were penalized...

Originally, we placed keepers at the top to be sure that our keepers weren't take for a second player. Ex: Someone want a RF. He picks J.Heyward but someone else place him higher. Instead of Heyward, he gets A.Huff (a keeper). That was our supposition.

After the bug, I wrote to Strato and also, Herge (a experienced player that was in our league then) both told us that I should be ok to place protected players at the end if no one reclaim them. That in the example of Heyward, It would be Cruz that would be given because that someone (the proprietary of A.Huff) have selected Huff (even at the end).

Here's the Strato response:

[quote:5644bfd8db]Dear Member,

In theory, as long as no one but the manager “protecting” them has them on their draft card, they should end up on the proper teams. However, to be safe it probably would be best if the league made the protected players the highest priority. As long as the entire league does it, there is no advantage gained for anyone as everyone’s first priority non protected player would be listed 6th. Going forward, it’s probably best to do it that way.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can take care of for you.

SN Member Services[/quote:5644bfd8db]
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Postby tcochran » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:49 am


The Strato response says to put the protected players FIRST, doesn' it?
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Postby jflatour99 » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:57 am

It says that It the safer way to the condition that everyone don't make mistake or is honnest. But it also says that in theory, it could work. Herge also aknowledged that theory.

I also thought of a mechanism that could work:

We could place our 5 keepers at the top (assuring no fuzz) and after the draft, we could all plublicize our 10 first picks. In that way, If I claimed someone in my first round and the guy who got him placed him in his 2nd round, we could see ...

In the past years, the draft went well exepted for last year. We found that it wasn't everyone that place their keepers in the 5 top spots.

What do you think ?
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:30 pm

As a guy who has had about 400 teams and been doing this for 10 years, I can guarantee you that your players are safe at the bottom of your draft cards unless someone messes up and drafts a protected player. Just put them at the bottom of the draft card and not worry about them.

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Postby jflatour99 » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:52 pm

Thanks, that's what Herge was telling us too after the last year f**$*ck.

That's rassuring. So, let's see I guess...
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Postby CATom » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:48 pm

yeah, if you put them at the top you'll for sure get the cards you ALREADY drafted :)

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Postby jflatour99 » Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:50 pm



Password: keeper

I'll email the 60 keepers list. Please, make sure to refert to it before making your pick.

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Postby KEVINEHLE » Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:36 pm

Sorry, what is the final decision on the 5 keepers? On top or bottom? Currently they are on the bottom of my draft card. Ready to load in the Central when the East is full.

By the way, my team name is the Saskatchewan Blizzards. My wife was born in Regina and moved away when she was a young girl. I asked what she remembers from her days in Regina. She said "blizzards".

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Postby jflatour99 » Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:55 pm

[quote:f10f62d908="ehlekev"]Sorry, what is the final decision on the 5 keepers? On top or bottom? Currently they are on the bottom of my draft card. Ready to load in the Central when the East is full.

By the way, my team name is the Saskatchewan Blizzards. My wife was born in Regina and moved away when she was a young girl. I asked what she remembers from her days in Regina. She said "blizzards".


Keepers stay a the bottom. Nice name, ya , Canada can have a nasty climat !!!
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